My DataBank Online Data Converter

This online tool, courtesy of Digital Capture, can be used by advanced users to convert Comma Separated Values (*.csv) data to My DataBank Format (*.mdf) and vice versa. Any and all information pasted into this tool is processed locally on your machine/device and is not transmitted or stored across the internet.

Convert CSV to MDF
Copy and paste the CSV data into the CSV Data Container. Select the appropriate Table from the dropdown list (Categories or Items). Press on the >> button. Upon successful conversion, the results will appear in the MDF Data Container which can be imported into My DataBank.

Note: All CSV values must be encapsulated with double quotes (") as a qualifier.  Also, Short Date (mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn am/pm) values within the CSV data are automatically converted to the numeric equivalent (number of milliseconds since the midnight of January 1, 1970) within the MDF format.

Convert MDF to CSV
Copy and paste the MDF data into the MDF Data Container. Press on the << button. Upon successful conversion, the results will appear in the CSV Data Container which can be used as data for a CSV text file and imported into external applications (e.g. MS Excel, MS Access).

Note: All CSV values are encapsulated with double quotes (") as a qualifier.  Also, the numeric Date value (number of milliseconds since the midnight of January 1, 1970) within the MDF format are automatically converted to the Short Date (mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn am/pm) format within the CSV data.

CSV Data Container:
MDF Data Container:

Assign unspecified categorytypeid to: 
Tab Delimited: 



Frequently Asked Questions

What are the format specifications for Categories and Items?
Visit the following link and scroll to the bottom under the Import/Export section: MDF Format Specifications

How do I link Items to the correct Category?
Each Item requires the column name categorytypeid. If you leave this value blank during CSV to MDF conversion, this tool will automatically assign -1 as the value, or if specified, the value you above in Assign unspecified categorytypeid to. A value of -1 is recognized by the My DataBank app and files these items under the "Uncategorized" category. However, you can also use a categorytypeid value from an existing Category to create the appropriate relationship link. This value can be found under the column name categorytypeid for Categories and is also identified as the "Unique Identifier" under the Category Setup screen in My DataBank.

How do I append new Items or Categories into My DataBank?
For Categories, omit the column name categorytypeid in your data before importing. For Items, omit the column name itemsid in your data before importing.

I am encountering the error message 'Constraint Failed' after importing which is preventing my records from appearing in My DataBank.  How do I avoid this?
There is a conflict with a value you are using against values that already exist in the database. The values for the column name categorytypeid must be a unique value for Categories; omit this column name and it's value before importing. For Items, the values for the column name itemsid must also be a unique value; omit this column name and it's value before importing.

I am encountering the error message 'Unknown Column name...' upon attempting to convert my data into MDF format.  How do I avoid this?
Make sure you are using the correct Table destination from the drop down list: Categories or Items. Otherwise, unknown columns are identified during conversion to prevent errors from being generated upon importing into My DataBank.  Note: Column names are all lowercase and case sensitive.

File Specifications:

Section Seperator: |
Line Seperator: ~
Field Seperator: ^

Category Table: db_categorytype
The first row contains the header fields.
field namedata typerequiredfielddescription
categorytypeidintegeroptionalUnique Record IdentifierAutomatically assigned if not provided.
nametextrequiredCategory TitleTitle for the category
notestextoptionalCategory NotesNotes associated with category
itemlistordertextrequiredItem List OrderContains field name for sorting. The first item separated by a comma is the primary sort value, the proceeding is the secondary sort value. Use categorytypeid,categorytypeid for default (no space).
itemlistshowtextrequiredItem List ShowContains secondary field name to display in the Items List screen. Use date1 for default.
fieldordertextrequiredField OrderContains the Field Order that will appear in the Items List screen. This must contain the values from 1 - 20 separated by commas (no spaces).
icontextrequiredIcon PathContains the path to the icon image associated with the category. External references can also be used using http://
priorityintegerrequiredPriority ValuePriority value which can be used for sorting.
text1textoptionalText Field 1 TitleText Field Title for index 1. Up to 5 indexes supported.
text1limitintegeroptionalText Field 1 Character LimitText Field Character limiations for index 1. Up to 5 indexes supported (Currently not being used)
int1integeroptionalIntegerField 1 Title Integer Field Title for index 1. Up to 5 indexes supported
intcurr1booleanoptionalInteger Field 1 Currency FlagInteger Field Currency Flag for index 1. Up to 5 indexes supported
date1datetimeoptionalDate Field 1Date Field Title for index 1. Up to 5 indexes supported.
bit1booleanoptionalBit Field 1Bit Field Title for index 1. Up to 5 indexes supported. Appears as Checkbox in the Item Detail screen.

Items Table: db_items
The first row contains the header fields.
field namedata typerequiredfielddescription
itemsidintegeroptionalUnique Record IdentifierAutomatically assigned if not provided
categorytypeidintegerrequiredCategory to Items linkRelationship link between Categories and Items
nametextoptionalItem TitleTitle for Item
priorityintegeroptionalPriority Value(Currently not beind used)
text1textoptionalText Field 1 ValueValue for Text Field 1. Up to 5 indexes supported.
int1integeroptionalInteger Field 1 ValueValue for Integer Field 1. Up to 5 indexes supported.
date1datetimeoptionalDate Field 1 ValueValue for Date Field 1. Up to 5 indexes supported. Includes storage for Time value. The date value must represent the number of milliseconds since the midnight of January 1, 1970
bit1booleanoptionalBit Field 1 ValueValue for Bit Field 1. Up to 5 indexes supported.